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Pediatric Dentist – Aurora, IL

Experienced & Fun Pediatric Dental Team

At Grand Dental - Aurora, we provide several preventive children’s dental services, including routine checkups and cleanings, fluoride treatments, dental sealants, and much more. Our team knows how important it is to make children feel relaxed while they’re in the treatment chair, which is why we go out of our way to create an inviting environment from the moment they arrive at our office. Our Pediatric Specialist has the experience and qualifications to care for a child’s teeth, gums and mouth throughout the various stages of childhood.

Why Choose Grand Dental - Aurora
for Pediatric Dentistry?

Children’s Checkups & Cleanings

At Grand Dental - Aurora, our goal is to provide your child with a positive early experience with our dental team. Our family friendly environment assures that children are comfortable so we can conduct a thorough cleaning, identify and treat cavities and make sure that the mouth is developing properly. Cavities are a common childhood disease, which left untreated can cause pain, infection and lead to problems speaking, chewing and even learning. 

Age One Visit

Young boy getting checkup

When’s the right time to schedule your child’s first dental visit? The American Dental Associate suggests an appointment within six months of the first tooth eruption. At the very least, you should never wait later than your child’s first birthday to begin taking them to the dentist. Cavities are an extremely common childhood disease, and they only become more likely to occur the longer your child goes without professional care. Put your little one on the path to excellent lifelong oral health by taking the crucial first step as early as possible!

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What is a Children's Specialist - Pedodontist

Sometimes, children need specialized care from a Pedodontist (children's dentist) for more complex dental concerns such as significant tooth decay, developmental issues, or behavioral challenges during treatment. While general pediatric dentists provide comprehensive care, a specialist offers a more focused approach tailored to your child’s unique dental needs. At Grand Dental, we facilitate smooth referrals to trusted specialists, ensuring your child’s dental health and comfort remain our top priority.

Get to Know Dr. Raya, DDS, MPH

Dental Sealants

We frequently recommend dental sealants for children between the ages of 5 and 7 to prevent cavity development. Dental sealants are clear shields painted over the molars to prevent cavity-causing debris from settling in the grooves. Once the sealants are hardened, they will continue providing your child's teeth with protection for years to come.

Fluoride Treatment

girl smiling outside

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that can be found in certain foods, local water sources, and most oral hygiene products that you purchase from the store. It helps strengthen your child’s enamel and protect their teeth from decay. When children don’t get enough fluoride, it could leave their pearly whites vulnerable to cavity development. That is why it is recommended that all children receive a quick and painless application of fluoride gel on their teeth during every visit.

Athletic Mouthguards

girl in boxing clothes holding mouthguard

If your child plays sports, one of the most important pieces of protective equipment that they need is a mouthguard. At Grand Dental, we make customized children’s sportsguards that provide optimal protection to their teeth, jaw, and facial muscles while they are out on the court or field. Most importantly, young athletes are more likely to wear a custom mouthguard because the fit is more comfortable, making it easier to breath and communicate with teammates. What’s more, they can be custom designed to match their team or school colors.

Frenectomies/Lip & Tongue Tie

baby with two bottom teeth

Lip and tongue-ties are a common problem among infants and younger children that often go undiagnosed. When the pieces of tissue that connects your child’s tongue to the floor of their mouth and lip to their gums are overgrown, a variety of issues can develop, including difficulty latching on while breastfeeding. In these situations a small portion of the overgrown tissue is removed providing your child with easier maneuverability of their lip and tongue, enhancing their speech and development.

Pulp Therapy

girl with books holding cheek in pain

If your child is experiencing seemingly unexplainable dental pain and sensitivity, this could be a sign that pulp therapy is needed. If left untreated, damaged pulp could result in a variety of developmental barriers including premature tooth loss. To remedy pain and preserve your child's smile, pulp therapy allows the removal of the damaged portion of the pulp. Afterward, the structure of the tooth is rebuilt so your child can continue smiling, pain free.

Sedation Dentistry for Children

It’s not uncommon for children to feel anxious or fearful when visiting of the dentist’s office. This can make it difficult for the doctor to provide necessary dental treatments. We work hard to ensure that children are comfortable at Grand Dental – Aurora, however, if these measures aren’t effective, we can safely offer sedation dentistry for children. Mild sedation allows the patient to be relaxed and comfortable during treatment and helps the child build a positive, trusting relationship with their oral healthcare team.

Special Needs Dentistry

“Special needs” is defined by the Academy of Pediatric Dentistry as a chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional condition that often puts limitations on the daily activities your child can engage in. Such children often need special accommodations when receiving dental care, and we’re ready to provide. From physical and developmental disorders to behavioral impairments and other conditions, your child can find the help they need under our roof so that they can safely get quality dental care.

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I Need a Checkup & Cleaning I Have a Cavity or Broken Tooth I am Missing One or More Teeth I am in Pain & Need Help I Want to Enhance My Smile I Want a Straighter Smile I am Concerned About Bleeding Gums I Have Dental Anxiety I Want to Learn About Sleep Apnea View Our Services